Monday, November 30, 2009

5 different cheesecakes in 5 days

DETOX is in order!!

Wed: Chocolate cheesecake @ Artis?! (Margaret's territory)

Thursday: Pumpkin cheesecake @ TOTG
Friday: Korean plain cheesecake @ Bonchon
Saturday: Keylime cheesecake (maybe this wasn't a cheesecake?) @ Gallagers
Sunday: Oreo cheesecake @ Max's cafe

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dinner for Zack's bday @ Max Cafe

Happy birthday!!

This was very delicious!!

Asian miso salmon tofu salad yum!

Guess what is coming up??!

Times Square in the evening

Just as beautiful in the day!

Banana bread cos you don't get them in Ireland

My two drinks @ O'Lunney's Times Square

Full house (1500 ppl) @ Mamma Mia

As we enter and exit

Dinner @ Gallagers

Good steak :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bon chon

Thursday, November 26, 2009

More Tavern on the Green

Pretty cool that iphone allows multiple uploads right onto blogger, with captions!

East meets a King Kong shrub

and as the Irish man would say, we bumped into Justin Timberlake??

Thank you Mike!

Thanksgiving dinner @ Tavern on the Green

Hard wood smoked fish trio

Thanksgiving turkey spread

Pumpkin Cheesecake

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Chocolate cheesecake for dessert

My free popcorn survival kit arrived!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Listen to Ling Part II: Pictures are worth a thousand words?

No more facebook mobile uploads (too awkward with live feed!).

What's change from the old Listen to Ling blog?
No more lengthy stories or daily to-do lists, this blog is dedicated solely to snip snaps of NYC through the iPhone lens!

Special thanks to Margaret Ting for snapping my header pictures using my iPhone @ Nov 25, 2009, 6.30pm, McDonalds Herald Square; edited using iPhone application Little Snapper - Focal B&W.

Thank you Margaret!!